Monday 22 January 2018

7 pounds - a really good film to watch

Hi there! 
Recently I had some more time and I watched a few films. One, that really stands out from the rest is a movie with a title “Seven pounds”. This movie is from 2008 and it’s in the 50th place out of 500 in the ranking of the films on Filmweb. Will Smith starts as a man who had an accident in which 7 people died including his fiancé. Now he wants to change a life of 7 people by donating them his own vital organs. By stealing his brother federal IRS identification he is able to find out sick people and to visit them and check if they are a good people. During this process he fell in love. Is he going to commute suicide or would he change his mind? You have to watch this film to find out. 
In my opinion this movie is really good because after you done with watching it you start thinking about life. What if...? It appealed to me, and I was quite shocked how it ends. It also shows how important it’s to be a good person and also to remember to appreciate our life’s that can end in one second. 
I think that everyone should watch this masterpiece and then spend 5 minutes and just think about their lives and be happy of the people and things that surround them. 

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