Sunday 29 October 2017

Gdańsk - a beautiful city that I recommend

Hi there!
As you know from my first post I am from Gdańsk. Today I would like to give you some facts about this beautiful city. First of all this city is surrounded by the Baltic Sea. With Gdynia and Sopot they form Tricity (Trójmiasto). Gdańsk is quite a big city with a lot of different districts. The old town is really beautiful with reconstructed buildings in historical style. The main street is called Long Street (ulica Długa) where you can find a famous Neptune’s Fountain. There is lots of restaurants as well as coffeehouses. My favourite is Retro which is located on Piwna Street. I would highly recommend this place if you want to drink a good coffee and eat amazing and healthy cake or other dessert. I think that everyone should visit Gdańsk. In summer there are lots of turists that come from all over the world. Also during this time the city hosts St.Dominic's Fair which is really popular.
I recommend to visit this beautiful city. I am sure that you wouldn't be disappointed.

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